Friday, October 27, 2006

The French and the Pickerel Rivers.

The French and Pickerel Rivers flow,
Because of the season's melting snow.
Rushing down in the early spring,
Along the shoreline it leaves a ring.

The lichen on the rocks rubbed bare,
As high as the ice was piles up there.
As May warms up, and Black Flies abound,
It's not the place to linger round.

They'll get into your hair, and into your eyes
Under your watch straps, and onto your thighs.
The'll make you wish, that your were far gone,
Until the month of June, begines to dawn.

The month of June, the mosquitoes brings forth
Their always a problem when your up in the North.
If West Nile killed a Polar Bear at Metro Zoo,
Just think what can be done to you.

Do not be discouraged, and do not fret,
It's still the very, best place yet.
Put on repelant, and get outside,
Because in the North there's no place to hide.

If my information, you would like to get
The spring and the fall are the best time to set.
In front of a fire, inside or out,
Of this I'll say no others can doubt.

Count your blessings and have a good time,
Your only here once, and that dosn't rhyme,
Unless the cadence I screw up, real bad.

Anyway you get the idea, get out and experiance the North and on your way up Highway 69 200 Meters south of the French River Bridge is a great information centre drop in and have a look.



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