Battening down the hatches
We Amanda and Ron Mitchell, and myself, went up to the cottage this weekend, and David and Bo came up Saturday Thanksgiving Weekend, which is a tradition. We shut off the water pump after filling 3, 45 gal plastic barrels with water, for when we go up hunting, so that we don't have to carry water up from the river, which is a long slog. It is also good to have a little extra water in the spring time so we can start without having to carry it for priming the pump. On the way we dropped Anne of at the airport who was going to Australia to be with her sister who is very ill in Rockingham W.A. She had a stop off in Vancouver to hook up with her sister Maureen and they were going to travel together. Friday night Oct 6/06 we got a call in the evening from Marians son Carl, that she had just died, and Anne at that time was in Vancouver. Anne and Maureen left Vancouver Sunday night for Australia, and I just got a call from Anne this morning Oct 10, 8:30am that they had arrived about 3 hours ago. After we shut down the pump we went back in the bush to put a roof over the deer stand we made last year, so if it rains while up there at least my sandwich won't get wet. Sunday we had a great turkey dinner and had an uneventful return home Monday morning.
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