Thursday, October 05, 2006


Hypocrisy- Simulation of virtue or goodness The Oxford Dictionary 5th Addition.

There is a lot of talk in the news media about Rep. Foley in the USA and the two year cover up by the Holier than thou Republican Leader Hastert. This is the Party of the Religious Right, Pat Robertson, Gerry Falwell, where are these guys now.

I am reminded of watching the PBS programme "Now" with David Brancaccio on Sun Oct 1st in which he was interviewing a Republican Senator who was decrying the overblown influence of the Religious Right on his party, and by way of instruction a video clip of a Right wing evangelist was preaching a sermon with a couple of other ministers on the stage throwing out the occasional Amen. The minister was preaching of the evils of homosexuality, with the camera focused on the speaker, but drifting occasionally to his backers on the stage, sort of in the background, one of who, was rubbing the other's thigh. It kind of makes you wonder, what would these guys be doing without a camera around. Oh well maybe it was like an innocent pat on the ass one football player gives to another, but in view of Foley, who knows.


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