Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Incident at Pickerel River

If you read the comment from Gary, he is actually mistaking an incident I believe that happened to my brother Max. Many years ago the CNR would put a special coach on the train, for the use of CNR employees only. The train left Union Station at 2300Hrs bound for Vancouver. When it reached Pickerel River, at approximately 0700hrs, the coach would be set off on a siding that was just north of the bridge. When setting off the coach a freight train came thundering over the bridge and just about rammed the Passenger train setting off the coach. I forget if the block was missed or if the conductor on the passenger train thought they could set the coach off and be gone in time. Needless to say many of the people on the train had to make a quick underwear change. Gary is quite right though, many things have happened that bare relating and in fact I have the beginnings of a book of funny, in retrospect, happenings in my railroad career. Perhaps I will mention them from time to time.


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