Dr. Phil a T.V. psychiatrist was put on T.V. largely with the help of Oprah Winfrey, the popular Talk Show Host from Chicago.
I was up at the cottage last week during Moose season and in the evening some one turned the TV on, and it was the Dr Phil show, and it happened to be about some senior citizen who tried to run over her son in law with her SUV.
Dr Phil said to the son in law there is no use in prosecuting the mother in law because she is probably mentally ill, and they are now letting murderers, and rapists out of prison after 10 months, because they have no room in the prisons.
This was quite interesting to we tuned in the next day where we were treated to a program about female teachers having sex with there 15 year old male students.
The case that interested me was one where a 25 year old female teacher, was having sex with a 15 year old boy.
The teacher lost her job, and was going to be treated as a pedophile , and be sentenced to up to 18 years in jail, and put on a pedophile list, and this seems insane to me.
Dr. Phil then calls the woman's original husband to the stage, who explains how mortified he was, and that he had since married and fathered a child.
The husband says he is concerned about what his child will hear about his former wife when the child gets older, the child being presently about 8 months old.
Dr Phil advises the former husband that he has nothing to worry about because the American public has A.D.D. attention deficit disorder and all will be forgotten in a couple of weeks, then Dr. Phil does something inexplicable, he asks the husband about the book he has written on this vary topic concerning his ex wife.
Am I completely stupid, or is there something wrong here, the only reason the guy came on the show was to sell the book, highlighting his ex wife's indiscretions, and then worries about his kid finding out.
There were two of these stories mentioned by Dr Phil, the previous one being a 22 year old teacher with a 15 year old boy, with not much of an age difference, and she was eligible for an 18 year jail sentence as well, and Dr. Phil was not to worried about that, although he seemed sympathetic to the idea of the murderers being let go, after 10 months because of the lack of room in the prisons.
What interests me is the parents of the boys who are concerned that their boys will forever be traumatized, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, are you assholes for real. These kids probably went to their friends bragging about this.
A normal young boy of fifteen has a permanent erection, what is it you want him to do with it.
I read a year or so ago how some guy said that Dolly Parton had sex with him when he was fifteen and was traumatized by it, are you people for real.
I guess that I am retarded, or something, but if that had happened to me I would have kept my mouth shut, and been forever grateful until the day I died.
I realize this is not a politically correct stance because I believe there is a justifiable double standard here because I don't think the same thing would or should apply for a man teacher with a female student, unless it could be proved the female student was a predator.
To consider the female teacher any thing more than inappropriate, and send her to jail for this is insane.
What if the older woman is not a teacher, or what if, the sexual partner is the equivalent age, would that not sexually traumatize the young boy as well, then the 15 year old girl should be sent to jail, get real people 15 year old boys have very strong sexual urges and only in the very rare case could they be traumatized by normal sex.
The one way I guess a young boy of fifteen could be sexually traumatized would be, if he was Gay, then these right wing politically correct nitwit ts would cheer for the teacher.
The families of these boys, lets face it really want to sue the School Boards, probably for a college fund for the kids, what a neat way of providing for your future, a great lesson to these kids
You and the other right wing nuts, would rather the young man, and I use that term intentionally, would rather he make a 15 year old inexperienced girl pregnant, so you could deny her an abortion, than have an experienced female initiate him, with less of a degree of chance that she get pregnant.
Dr Phil you are so full of shit, it's coming out your ears, why would the boy be traumatized at all if he is ready, and there is a way, and maybe you don't know about it, to indicate he is ready.
So many real serious important issues out there and look who you pick on.
The teachers.